Saturday, November 24, 2012

Puttin' Up the Christmas Tree

Since we decided to go with a real tree this year, I thought we should get one right after Thanksgiving in order to enjoy it the whole month of December.  Live trees smell so wonderful!!  Marley and Grace were so excited to put up the tree and decorate it (even though Grace broke several ornaments through the process).

Grace is "helping" put up the tree lights.

Don't you love how I didn't comb Marley's hair and she looks straggly? 

Marley wanted to decorate this mini fake Christmas tree and had a hard time waiting until I could get all the ornaments out so she wouldn't break them!

Marley got this giant stocking one year from Grandma Ruth and Papa Jerry full of toys, but this year it's full of Marley!
When Marley found this hat, she decided she need to wear it around all day.

A couple weeks ago I noticed this statue on the mantel in the living room.  I just figured that Kevin put it up there and I had just never seen it before or known we had it.  Then, as we were putting up the Christmas tree, Kevin said he noticed this statue and asked me why I had put it there.  Since neither of us had ever seen this statue before or had put it there, we were trying to figure out where it came from.  We texted several people that had been to our house in the last few weeks and no one would confess!  Finally, we asked Jono and Tina, and Jono said HE is the one who left it there to see how long we would notice (since we rarely go in the living room).  It probably would have gone unnoticed longer if Jono had waited until AFTER Christmas to put this statue up.  I guess someone, as a joke, gave them this as a wedding gift.
We don't really have a theme for our's just a miss-mash of ornaments we've gotten through the years we've been married.  Maybe when the kids are older and less prone to break things, I'll go for a themed tree!
Marley hung these two ball ornaments together and Kevin said that this tree was "male".  Nice Kevin.

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