Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dress-Up with the Neighbor Gals

When ever the Davis girls come to play, it usually ends up that everyone gets dressed up in one of the many costumes we have.  They always look so darn cute!!

Penny Loafers

We got a Ken doll and Marley said that Ken's shoes were "glamourous".  I guess penny loafers can be glamourous...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Crying His Way Out

Hendrix LOVES to be held.  After a nap or after eating, he will play by himself with toys for a short time.  Apparently his threshold for play-by-himself-time was reached because he started to cry and this is how I found him on the swing! He'd almost wiggled himself completely out!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spin Paint

We gave the girls a paint spinner for Christmas and they have been BEGGING to use it!  It's actually kind of cool and makes some pretty interesting pictures.

What Sad Little Boy!

Since I'm Hendrix's food source, he ALWAYS wants me to hold him.  He was being held by Kevin, but since he could see me sitting there, he started to fuss, not understanding why I wasn't holding him.  I just find his sad, crying face so darn adorable!  I just can't resist his little puppy face!!!  I just want to eat him up!!!

Over-sized Uggs

Grace put on Kevin's Ugg boots, then proceeded to tromp around the house with them on.  It was rather difficult for her to do, but some how she managed to walk around!

Marley and Hendrix

Marley often asks to hold Hendrix.  I love that she takes such an interest in her little brother.  She is a wonderful older sister!  Couldn't have asked for a better child than Marley!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

At the Aquarium with Alece

For Christmas instead of gifts, Alece decided to take each of my girls out on a little Aunt/niece date.  Which I think is so much more memorable than getting a toy they will quickly forget about!  Alece took  Grace to lunch and then to the Aquarium.  They had a wonderful time!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sign Language

Marley insists that she knows sign language.  When she is eating something and can't talk because her mouth is full, she tries to pantomime things with her hands to communicate with me (at least she isn't talking with her mouth crammed with food!)  She said that she knew how to say "good" in sign language and made the "ok" sign.  Which is technically sign language, just not hearing-impaired American Sign Language.

Blue Stars

I was playing with Grace and Hendrix in the playroom or, rather, they were playing and I was trying to pick up the play room.  When I came to pick up Hendrix, I found that Grace had placed some start stickers on his head! Poor kid!!

Star Struck

Grace was peeling off all these star stickers on this sticker sheet she had found. This is where she was putting them: all over Hendrix's head!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Decoding Grace's Text Messages

 Quite often Grace will get a hold of my phone and send random, nonsense texts.  For example, she sent Kevin "Hhbxv" and of course Kevin couldn't understand why I would text that!

Beet Juice

I got a Blend Tech for Christmas which is a great way for me to utilize veggies that my family doesn't like but I do without them going to waste.  However, I've found that Grace seems to like the veggies like I do.  I made a whole juice smoothy with beets in it and Grace drank most of it...even with a bowl of Cheetos sitting in front of her!  I love that she tries everything and really isn't too picky about what she eats!!!  Marley on the other hand...a bit too picky!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Heel of a Good Time

On Sunday we were getting ready to go to Scott Krystn's mission farewell in our old Mount Olympus Ward, and Grace came down all ready with shoes and everything! I love that she tromps around in these dress-up heels and it's surprising that she's coordinated enough to walk down the stairs in them!

Rose Petals

Marley loves picking flowers (I have to tell her she can't pick every flower she sees because she thinks she can pick flowers in other people's yards!) and making bouquets.  Marley beckoned me into the play room because she had a "surprise" to show me.  What I saw was a giant mess of paper scraps, but what Marley saw was a beautiful area covered in "rose petals".  Regardless of the mess, at least she has a good imagination!