Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween at Mckee Preschool

While I was trying to get Marley ready for preschool in the morning (she goes to McKee, a Spanish immersion preschool) on Halloween (and Marley got to wear her Halloween costume to school), Marley took all these weird random photos of us!  Wow! Marley and Grace's bedroom is quite the mess!


We have some really nice neighbors in our new neighborhood.  We were invited to someone's house to have something to eat before we went trick-or-treating.  The weather for trick-or-treating was WONDERFUL!!  We didn't even need jackets.  I can't remember when Halloween weather was this perfect!!  It was pretty dark by the time we got to the last house.  The house was all decked out in Halloween decor.  The walk up to the house was lit up with orange lights and there were skeletons hanging on the porch.  Kevin said he saw the lady of the house (that sounds kind of funny!) outside adjusting something, but quickly ran back inside when she saw us approaching.  We had Grace and Marley ring the door bell and the the lady opened the door with a scary witch mask on and yelled something scary.  Marley was literally frozen stiff and Grace looked back at us and said "Scared!!!"  Then the lady took her mask off and said she was a "nice lady" and gave them lots of treats.  Grace's reaction was so hilarious.  Grace had a frightened look on her face but she didn't cry or run away! Wish I could have gotten a picture of it! 

 Grace and Marley ready to do some trick-or-treating

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Light-up Shoes

Marley and Grace have so many shoes it's ridiculous but, for whatever reason, Papa Jerry and Grandma Ruth decided to add to the collection.  Marley got these shoes that light-up when she walks and is so excited to have them.  Now she wants some "tie" shoes so she can learn to tie them herself.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Grace Face

I took this picture for some reason, but now I'm not sure why.  Maybe because Grace has a messy face, but that's not unusual for her!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kinley's Birthday at a Halloween Carnival

So this recreation center (or maybe it's a boys and girl's club) in Provo does this little Halloween carnival with these fun activities for the kids.  We went last year and I thought it was a perfect activity for Marley and Grace.  They loved it!  So Miranda invited us to go again as a birthday party for her daughter Kinley (Kinley's birthday is Oct 25).  They got to wear their Halloween costumes.  Marley was "Candy Land" as she called it and Grace was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.  After looking at these pictures, I realizes how misplaced the suckers on Marley's outfit were!  But they still both looked SO cute!  I got some different colors of spray paint for Marley's hair and some sparkly tattoos for their cheeks.

 It's unreal how Hendrix, who NEVER takes good naps, is sleeping through all the noise of us getting ready to go to the carnival.  I had to wake him up to put his costume on!  Why can't he do sleep like that when I need him to?

 It was really hard to find a costume small enough for Hendrix, so when I saw this giraffe costume at Costco, I didn't think twice about buying it!

 The girls love this carnival, even though it gets REALLY crowded!  They only do it one night a year.

 This life size game of Operation was kind of gross!

 Sadie and Marley.  Miranda said Sadie wanted to wear this costume so she could show her belly! How funny!

 Oh my goodness Kinley is so stinking cute! She calls this her "sassy" pose.  I wish the picture would've turned out more clear!!

They made this weird "Franken-goo" stuff and some "Franken-pudding".  Then we waited in line FOREVER to see this magic show (that I didn't get to see because I had to feed Hendrix).  It was so much fun for the girls that I hope we go again next year!!