Even though I am not a big cold weather fan and fall means cold weather is coming sooner than I'd like, I love autumn for all the other things it brings. I love pumpkin carving, Halloween, and the decorations that go along with it and all the other fun activities that only come around this time of year. Like last year, we took the kids to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. It is so much fun because it's like a little autumn outdoor carnival. There are rides, games, treats, and all sorts of activities for the kids to do and they love it! We went the first day it opened because the weather was PERFECT and it wasn't crowded.
Duck races! I love Marley's face in the top picture as she tries to crank the handle to get the water to flow!
Lone-man tether ball...that's the beauty of this sport! He's having a good time all alone!
Marley and Grace loved this area because there were so many different dress-ups to choose from. The pictures are kind of grainy because it was getting dark and there wasn't too much light for pictures.
Family of the Mountain!
This was probably Marley and Grace's favorite activity. They had several different bounces houses and they had a riot jumping around.
This picture has nothing to do with Cornbelly's but Alece was on vacation in California and sent it to my while we were at Cornbelly's. It was too goofy not to post...I mean who carries their dog like a human baby? Well, I guess this guy does!