Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flaming Gorge

Last weekend we took a short trip to the in-law's cabin in Flaming Gorge. My sister-in-law, Tina, had Monday off for Columbus Day so we decided to take advantage since she's almost never able to come up. I really didn't get many pictures. I did, however, get a bunch of pictures of me, Tina & my sister, Alece, at the end of a little hike we took. The background in some of the pictures almost look like a backdrop, almost too surreal to be real! We started out taking some normal pictures but it got a tad goofy toward the end. We were told to bundle up really well (we actually ended up taking our coats off because we started to sweat due to the nice weather) and wear these fantastic bright-orange vests so we'd be "noticed" since it was hunting season. We mostly looked like big dorks!

See, at first, it was just some nice, sisterly, pictures....

Then it turned a tad rageful....

Then we just started to be dorks & mess around!

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