Monday, November 17, 2008

Princess Tutu

So Mandi made Marley the cutest tutu forever ago!! I have been waiting to get Marley's picture in it but every time I was going to make an appointment to get them done, there was either a scratch or a bruise on her face. She has finally learned to scoot/crawl to move around and loves to pull herself up on things and stand up, which inevitably leads to bumps and bruises, even with me watching her. So when her face was finally free of scratches/bruises, I made an appointment. But low-and-behold, the day before the appointment, she has a freaking scratch above her right eyebrow. So I know that I am a horrible mom, but just before we went to get pictures done, I put the tiniest bit of base on her scratch so it wouldn't show up. Yeah, mother of the year strikes again! Then to add to all this crazy nonsense, the person who was taking her picture wasn't nearly as good as the last one, and kept trying to tickle Marley's face (which she didn't like) and was really slow to take pictures. Sometimes Marley makes cute faces, but if you are not super fast, it's gone as quick as it came!! Kellie told me I should try and get the same person every time, especially if it is one that I like. Like a dork, I didn't catch the name of the person who took Marley's photos last time. Now I regret it!! But, with all that said, her pictures didn't turn out too bad, even though I thought that they could've been better!


Mandi said...

I know what you mean, picture days are so stressful! They look good to me, I love the one of her sitting leaning forward. I can't wait to get tutu pix of my kiddos together.

Karl and Chantae said...

Marlie is so stinking cute. She looks so grown up. I think the pictures turned out great!!