Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Par-tay!

Sometimes I am such a slacker about updating this blog, but we had a Halloween party last week and had a great time!! Marley had a monkey costume (thanks to Grandma Ruth), I don't know what I was, but I spray painted my hair and put on make-up, and Kevin wore a gorilla costume (but only for a short time, since it made him sweaty! He did manage to scare some people with it though) We were sad for those people who couldn't come, and hope that they will be able to make it next year (as we are thinking of hosting another Halloween shindig!) We played a game, LRC, involving one dollar bills (no, it did not involve any removal of clothing!) and dice. Whoever ended up with the last dollar bill got all the money in the middle. Toward the end, it got pretty exciting!! Thanks to all those who came and made it such a wonderful time!!

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