Due to the out-dated code standards of a home built over 40 years ago, the last bottom three stairs to our basement has no railing on one side. Marley was climbing down the stairs & while on the third stair from the bottom, she turned funny, and, of course, fell off the side that had no railing. Her left arm took the brunt of the fall. She would not stop crying & I thought she might possibly need a nap. So I laid her down in my bed for a nap with me. Even though she stopped crying, she kept favoring her left arm. She knew that Aunt Tina & Uncle Jono were coming up for a visit, but wouldn't get out of bed when they arrived. Which is odd behavior for her since she adores Tina.
I decided to take Marley to the urgent care so they could take a look at her arm. Fortunately, Jono & Tina were able to go & help me with Marley & Grace (thanks guys!) Happily, we were seen in a timely manner. As the physician examined her arm, he concluded that it was her elbow that was causing her pain. I'm so proud of Marley because even though it was painful & scary for her, she allowed the rad tech to take x-rays of her arm!! Even though they were not able to see an obvious break (as some breaks cannot be detected), there was a possibility of a radial-head fracture on her left elbow. There was not much to do but put her arm in a sling & give her Tylenol/Motrin & have her take it easy. The next day, I received a call from the urgent care after the radiologist had looked at the x-rays as well, and there was no visible break, but lots of fluid around the joint & to follow-up with her pediatrician in one week.
I'm glad to say that the follow-up with her doctor a week later was normal. She is now able to use it normally!
It's so sad that they have to make slings this small!!
12 years ago
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