Friday, December 31, 2010

Snow Day

Marley got a new snowsuit & sled for Christmas. Since there was lots of fresh fallen snow, Marley & Kevin decided to try it out in our front yard!

Then we decided to move to an elementary school down the road that has a great hill for sledding!!
I stayed warm in the car with Little Miss Grace!

Marley LOVED, LOVED, LOVED playing in the snow & using her new sled! She was a die hard & didn't want to stop even though she was so cold!!
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Marley also had to take a minute to play on the playground equipment as well!

I LOVE this snow suit on Grace! You can see several hours of sledding was enough to wear Marley out!!


Marley has this extremely cheap recorder that she got for free somewhere. One day she was trying to play with it & ended up breaking it & her heart apparently. This is how I found her...sulking over the broken instrument!!!
Like every little kid, Marley adores balloons. In fact, she won't want to part with them & let me throw them away, even when most of the air is out & they are nearly all shriveled up!!
Marley is always wanting me to take pictures of her & Grace. To bad I can't get a decent picture!!


One of Marley's favorite things she received for Christmas is a lady bug Pillow Pet. Whoever came up with this idea is a marketing genius because she is obsessed with hers & it was one of the cheapest things she got for Christmas!


Marley is constantly asking to make cookies & cupcakes. So we gave her this cupcake-maker for Christmas. She had loads of fun making them, but mostly because I did all the work! There are so many cracks & crevices to clean on that thing! It's ridiculous!!!

Marley enjoying the fruits of my labor...but I really enjoyed spending time with her & she loved it!


Marley checking out her Christmas haul...of course she goes right for the Pillow Pet!

Marley insisted we get a bumble bee Pillow pet for Grace (she also keeps insisting that I need a unicorn Pillow Pet.) What a nice big sister!

So as you might be able to get from the pictures, Marley & Grace got a whole bunch of stuff. In fact, probably TOO much stuff! It got so overwhelming to Marley & she didn't know what to play with because there was TOO much!!! I think we went over board! It's so darn fun shopping for them, but next year, I'm determined to cut it, at least, by half! This was out of control!!!! No kid needs this much stuff!

We met at Kevin's sister Noelle's clubhouse for a Cooke Christmas get-together this year. Mr. & Mrs. Claus made an appearance. It took some coaxing, but I got Marley to sit on Santa's lap!! Having little kids makes Christmas so much fun!!


Marley with her Aunt Tina; Grandma Orimi with Grace.

Kevin, Seth, & Jono

Of course Marley had loads of presents to open. This kid gets way too many things from all her family! She doesn't even know how lucky she is!!!

You may wonder what my brother Seth is doing...having a seizure, a short bout of palsy, or just being a weirdo.

We had so much fun hanging out with the family! It's always a good, relaxed time!

I love looking at my kids when they are asleep. So innocent & peaceful! Grace looks so cute sleeping that I have to resist the temptation to pick her up! Love this kid!!!!

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