Friday, January 15, 2010

Basketball & Bowling

Last week we got to watch Kevin's cousin, David Foster, play some U of U basketball. I know he doesn't like to hear how tall he is because, of course, he gets it FROM EVERYONE, but I have to share his unbelievable height...7'3"! FOR REAL! I mean, you can't really believe it even when you see it. It's weird because Kevin is so darn tall & David's nearly a foot taller!!! He's engaged to this really cute girl, Britta, who is about 6'1" so their children are going to be ginormous!!!! Anyway, keep any eye for him...he just might make the NBA Draft!! (I just got my Olympus camera fixed & I've realized that it's a good camera, but not as good as the Nikon, so some of these pictures lack a bit)

David is #51

Look at David compared to the ref!!

OK, so the U's mascot had to be doing meth or something...he kept up his wild, spastic "dancing" up through out the entire game!

It's Marley's first basketball game & I thought she did pretty well.

Her Papa Jerry bought her the CUTEST U of U cheer leading out fit! We love it!

Marley looks kind of dopey here, but she was experiencing her first taste of cotton candy. For some weird reason she thought she had to lick it to eat it.

FatCats is the site where the Annual Cooke Family Bowling Tournament is held. Each year, there is an adult & children's trophy to be won. As I'm sure anyone who's played a game with him (Mandi & Justin...), knows Kevin is ultra-competitive. As Kevin won the bowling trophy last year, he was determined to keep it. As part of one of our 12 Days of Christmas gifts from Ruth & Jerry, we got white t-shirts to tie-dye. Well I didn't get around to doing that & thought we'd go as the Plain White Ts, but I didn't even manage that!!

Jerry & his classic 'snug-fit' tie-dye.
This was Marley's first time bowling & I think she liked it quite a bit!

Woot! Kevin brings home the trophy once again (to Guy Fowlks' dismay) with a accumulative score of 257! Boo-yah! Ethan just wanted to hold the trophy, so I had to get a picture of that (Ethan actually won the grand kids trophy)!

All the grand kids got a consolation medal.

This is the best picture of all the kids together (so you can imagine how the other ones turned out). As you can see, Marley's cooperating really well (as usual)!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

How many kids' noses did Kevin bloody to win his trophy?!

Sadie just went bowling for the first time and she got a spare! She's our secret weapon.