Friday, January 15, 2010

Fake Lashes

My cute hair dresser, Niki, had these wonderful eyelashes on when I went to visit her last. She said that her secret was eyelash extensions. I LOVED how they looked & totally wanted to try them. I knew that I wouldn't be the only who would, so Alece, Tina, & Tina's sister, Jana, had them done as well. The girl that does them just came over to my parents house & we had them done in the same night. I tried to take some before & after photos, which didn't turn out too well, but I think you can see the difference!

Alece's eyelashes turned out so adorable!

Even though I look like Frankenstien here, you can see how awesome the lashes look!

If you look close enough, you can see what a difference the lashes made for our eyes!