Saturday, August 22, 2009

Love Your Body 10k

I've been training for a half-marathon & since I've never actually run any sort of race, I thought I'd get my feet wet by running a 10k. I managed to convince a friend, Jodi, to do it with me (and hopefully it means that she will want to do another again sometime!) Kevin & Marley were going to go to cheer me on but Marley didn't wake up early enough & I didn't want to be that mean & wake her up...maybe next time!! The run started in Sugar House Park and through the cute neighborhoods in Sugar House. It was a really nice run & was glad to say I finished it!!! Hopefully this means that I'm getting close to becoming ready for a half-marathon!
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1 comment:

Susan said...

Ummm...something so weird! I was just noticing that you subscribe to the Brenay Family Blog. I don't know if you know this but Crystal is Scott's niece in Arizona! Small world, eh? I think I may have to leave her a little note as well!!