Saturday, July 4, 2009

Picture Time

I convinced Mandi to bring her kids up so we could try and take photos again. Fortunately, for me, she's nice enough to go along with it, being as I'm still quite the amateur photographer! I don't practice nearly enough to be really good at it. But it's fun to practice when I can. I still can't decide if these pictures of the girls are worse, better, or about the same as the tutu ones...and the kids weren't really any more cooperative than the last time and it took a little bit of bribing!

I love the one on the bottom far right hand corner...Kinely's face is so sad but so adorable!

I love that Sadie gave Kinley kisses!

I tried to add Marley to the mix but she wasn't having any of it! The first few photos probably would've turned out if Marley wouldn't have been screaming her head off! After I changed her outfit and gave Marley time to cool down, it got a little better!

I love Sadie's smile in the bottom far left picture because it's so sweet and genuine! I also got Sadie to do the pageant wave!

How can you not think this little baby girl is not the cutest thing ever!! Kinley actually was the most well behave throughout the photo shoot!
I looove the face that Kinley is making in the top right hand photo...doesn't it make you want to give her a hug and kiss?

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Thanks again. I love them! I'm glad Kinley cooperated this time. It's hard keeping Sadie and Marley in the small area in front of the lights. Sadie would probably cooperate better for a stranger, the little stinker!

Just like last time I didn't help you get pics of Marley. I like the ones in the leather chair. Her skirt is too cute!