Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Christmas Parties Galore

I am sure that everyone knows that the Christmas season is the time for families to get together and celeberate. For us, it turned into an endless stream of work and family gatherings. For at least 7 days in a row, we had some sort of family or work function to attend every night. It seems as if the parties are crammed into a two week period, which is added on top of all the things you do to get ready for Christmas. It's nice to get together with family, but it can be so overwhelming at times!
After scarfing some burgers down at J&W's, we headed to Thanksgiving Point for a sleigh ride to see the lights. Luckily for us, it turned out to be a trolley ride to see the lights. It saved our little booties from freezing! I attempted to take some pictures of the lights, which turned out poorly, due to lack of tripod and camera shake! It was one of the rare moments that all of Kevin's siblings actually came together for a family activity! Marley really liked to trolley ride because she got to stand up and look out the window, instead of staring at the ceiling of the car, like she does in her car seat!


Marley got to open her presents at Grandma Ackroyd's house a little early this year. She still doesn't quite get what all this opening presents business is, but it was cute to watch her try! We played catch phrase with the fam. There were tears shed, cheating accusations made, and laughs to be had by all involved. Tina has got to be one of the greatest people to play catch phrase with.


We all pitched in for Ms. Grandma Violet's new TV
We love her so much! She's so cute!

Marley (who's not cooperating well) with her (I guess it would be her second cousin?) Owen. Marley also loved playing with the Chevron cars with Aric.

Marley with her Auntie Noelle. And cousin Ryan Cooke is so sweet with Marley (who looks really happy!)

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