Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weekend in Vegas

My high school friend, Necia, invited me and my other high school friend, Miranda down to visit her in Vegas so we could see Boy II Men.  We LOVED them when we were in high school and had seen them when they had come to the Delta Center in Salt Lake City.  It was such a great concert and I had a great time, but it was also kind of I really old enough to be nostalgic about a band I loved in high school?! What is up with that!!!

 Necia and one of her friends

 Miranda trying to eat rocks that have a bacon-esque look.

 These pictures of Miranda frantically digging through her purse made it in the post because we are about to drop off the rental car and fly home, and she can't find her driver's license!!  I tried to call the casino that we went to the night before and was about to call our hotel, when I started looking around the car.  Happily, I found it between the passenger front seat the the door.  Can't believe that it didn't fall out of the car somewhere!

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