Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beautiful Voice

The tabernacle in Temple Square puts on various free shows that anyone is invited to attend.  Ruth informed me that her brother, Alan's daughter-in-law, Natalia (the one in white & Kevin's cousin-in-law) would be performing there, and that I should go.  I have heard about Natalia's wonderful musical talents in singing and playing the harp. I was so excited to hear for myself.  Natalia's mother would also be performing (the woman in  black and red).  I feel that it's one thing to hear through a third party about how talented someone is, and something completely different to witness it on your own.  Natalia's voice was INCREDIBLE!!  Her playing of the harp was fantastic also.  I always wonder how in the world it would feel to be able to sing like that.  I feel like every day would be a musical and I would sing everything, even mundane, every-day small talk!!! So glad I got to see her perform (just wish my photos were a little better!)

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