We went to St. George with the Ackroyd family (which was good for my mom to help soften the blow of losing my dad) for a few days. It really was so much fun and I really hope that we will do it again soon!! And hopefully Seth's girlfriend, Chelsea, and Tina and Josslyn can come. Tina had to stay home because her sister was getting married. Tina's sister kind of threw herself a really fast wedding with very little notice.
We went to one of those Tepenyaki Japanese grill places for dinner and saw this fish in the fish tank. We asked the server if it was dead, as it was not moving and stuck at a weird angle. The server told us that this fish "just likes to do this sometimes". Ok, sure, whatever you say.
All the other fish seem to be swimming having a good old time, except for the dead one trapped in the orange faux seaweed.
Marley, Kevin, and Grace
Jono and his weird sleeping habits. He stacked several pillows on his body as blankets...weird. The bed does have blankets...
This is one of the first times that Hendrix has taken a bath in a big tub because there was nowhere else for him to bath. He seemed to love it!
Marley asked Aunt Alece to straighten Marley's hair out. It's so much longer that I realized!
We walked around the grounds of the St. George LDS Temple. It was so pretty and the white of the building made it hard to look at without sunglasses!
I let Seth use my sunglasses because he didn't have any. He looks "might fine".
I love this picture of Grace and Marley by the Christos statue.
We went to the mall and Kevin bought this adorable hat for Hendrix. Too bad he won't keep it on. He constantly wants to pull it off!
We went for a hike on the red rocks, which of course Marley loved because it was like an "adventure".
Seth is king of the mountain.
Nice view of the St. George temple.
Alece and Grace are like two peas in a pod!
Grandma Orimi hiking around.
I don't know what the deal with picture is, I think Seth got a hold of my phone and started taking pictures of his feet and face shots.
Ok so Seth's girlfriend (mostly fiancé) couldn't come with us to St. George because of school or something, but she was there in spirit. I think that Chelsea looks like the Alicia Keys (the picture above); the picture below is of Chelsea. Don't they look similar?
My family is so weird, Kevin and Seth insisted everyone hold hands in a circle, for whatever reason, just before we left to go home. I refused to be apart of this tomfoolery!
Kevin was trying to sit on Jono's lap or something weird here.
Before we went home, we stopped to take another hike. Jono looks so enthused
It's so much easier to carry Hendrix in the baby carrier that holding him in your arms. It will be a happy day for him when he is able to crawl/walk!
The girls had a great time at this body of water (I really should now what it's called but have no idea.)
I love that Marley wants to wear this hat!!!
These two photos are kind of a grainy, but I had to take them because Grace was supposed to be napping, but some how managed to get her iTouch in the pack and play with her.
Again, with the weird pillows for blankets thing.
When we first got to the condo we were staying in, Seth had to roll around on the bed like a goon and say "too much stimulation!" As goofy as Seth is, he really does make me laugh!!