Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Marley's Grandma Rimi (my mother) thought it was so cute when she saw all the little kids at the mall holding their Build-a-Bear boxes, so she decided to give that to Marley for her birthday.

Marley picked out her 'bear' (which was a Hello Kitty).

Then she got to pick out the noise it made (which was a meowing cat) & put it in the Hello Kitty's foot.

Then she got to help put stuffing in the Hello Kitty.

Before finishing putting in the stuffing, she got to add a heart.

Then she gave it an 'bath' with a blast of air.

Then she picked out some clothes, shoes, & underwear.

It turned out so cute!

She typed up a birth certificate for her Build-a-Bear & named it 'Marley'.

Then she got to ring the birthday bell.

Even though she loved Build-a-Bear. I think her favorite part was playing in the mall's play area!

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