Monday, September 26, 2011

Princeville, Kauai with Seth

Our flight left really late during our last day in Kauai, so we went to the beach to hang out for awhile.  It's always so sad for me when we have to leave. I absolutely LOVE Hawaii and would love to have a house here!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Princeville, Kauai with Seth

We had a time-share type thing to Kauai, Hawaii which meant we had a good deal on a hotel and car rental, so we decided to take Seth and the kids with us to Hawaii.  We went from Sept 21 to Sept 26, 2011. Hawaii is ALWAYS a WONDERFUL time!! Seth and Grace have never been, but it never gets old for Kevin, Marley and I. Grace took her first real steps in Kauai. Seth and I went on our first zip line tour.  Kevin and Seth tried surfing with actual lessons. Marley spent hours and hours at the pool (it was so perfect for her!)  We had the most fabulous time!!!!
 Grace and I on the plane ride to Hawaii.

 Seth on the plane ride to Hawaii, contemplating what he's going to do first when he gets there. (Which ended up being us driving straight to Puka Dogs to get a delicious hot dog with their awesome tropical fruit relishes and fresh lemonade!!)

This restaurant is wonderful.  We've eaten here the last time we came to Kauai.  We ate outside because  Marley was asleep in the car and we could see her from our table (it doesn't hurt to eat outside to enjoy the lovely weather and beautiful scenery either!)