Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aging Hipster?

So am I an aging hipster now? I saw Boys II Men (ABC BBD--Lindy :)) at the Scera Shell on Thursday with Mandi, Lindy, and Mandi's friends who are real estate partners (who might be partners in more than real estate!) Boys II Men was the first concert I went to when I was about 14 or 15 (and I went with Mandi to that one as well!) I was surprised I still remembered all the lyrics to the songs that I had albums of! I honestly can't believe that I am now one of those people who is going to concerts like this and feeling nostalgic! The person I instantly thought of was Necia Odunze--even though we all loved them, she loved them the most! I wish she could have been there! I had a fabulous time! The pictures aren't the best but they turned out better than I thought they would!

Miss Happy Face

Drinking from a Straw

Marley has always loved this mug. Everytime I drink out of it, she stares at me. So I let her have a chance at drinking out of it and she absolutely loved it!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Tag Game:
How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. I was tagged by Chantae.

3 Joys:
1. Marley
2. Kevin
3. My life right now

3 Fears:
1. Unhappiness
2. Failure
3. Public speaking

3 Goals:
1. Get in shape
2. Keeping a current journal/keeping up on scrapbooking
3. Reading a classic book at least once a year (I got that one from my supervisor & I liked it)

3 Obsessions:
1. Silversmithing and beading
2. Scrapbooking
3. Eating healthy/recycling

3 Random:
1. I'm a quarter Japanese
2. Love Arrested Development, Always Sunny, and The Simpsons, just to name a few
3. Never broken a bone