Thursday, June 19, 2008

Miss Marley got some "professional" pictures taken at Target. Of course I'm biased, but I think they turned out so well!! The bracelet she is wearing in some of the pictures was actually her Grandma Ruth's bracelet. It's still a little too bit for Marley, but I'm sure she will grow into it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cabin Fever

The first weekend in June, we went to Flaming Gorge with some friends from Phoenix. We had such a good time and were sad to see them go! (And Chantae, we don't have any pictures of you and I together!)

Even though this picture of Kevin and Karl is a bit blurry, you can feel that their man love is just as bright as their orange vests...does it give you a "Broke Back Mountian" feel?

Karl looks pretty hard with that AK47 lol

The way Karl holds the gun and show's off his abs will make it hard for the ladies forget the sexiness of it all!
Kevin thinks he's pretty bad shooting that gun!

Here's Marley with Charlie--who's about two
months older than Marley. Charlie is such a lovely baby--she's so smiley and happy, plus she's bootilicious!!

Our Doggies

We have two little dogs who are about 5 years old. The black one (or "fight dog" as Maren calls him) is a Mini-Pin named Oscar. And then the long haired one (or "shiny coat" as Maren calls him) is a dorky kind of Yorkie, Barkley. Barkley's a bit on the handicapped side, but we love him anyway!

Marley's Blessing Day

This is everyone's favorite Asian couple: Tina and Jono

This is Kevin's parents and grandma and my family. It was a tad to bright outside so everyone had to squint (except the Asians, no squinting neccessary!)

Miss Marley looks like she's rollin'!

This is Marley's blessing dress. It is so adorable (even with a popped collar) and she has the cutest little knit shoes to match!

Having Marley blessed by Kevin was a great experience and it was such a wonderful day to get together with family & friends. We were kind of stressing that having all those people come over would be major chaos, but it turned out so well!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Aunt Alece will definitely be Marley's favorite Auntie for sure. Alece is so good with little kids, especially Miss Marley!

Maren and Marley will be such good pals (Marley really does like Maren, even if this pictures looks otherwise!)

One of Marley's current BFFs, Sadie (who is the cutest toddler I know). Sadie is so sweet to "Baby Marley" and so willing to help. She will be a wonderful older sister!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Bath Time!!

This was one of the first times Marley had a bath!! Even though she's upset, I love her little face in this picture!!! She actually loves her bath now, in fact she looks forward to it. She can be crying and when I start her bath, she calms down because she knows what coming!!!

This is a much happier bath time and how bath times always are now!! This is one of my most favorite times with her because she's so relaxed and calm. She, is however, starting to realize that she can splash with her arms and legs! Soon I will be drenched and she will have no water in the tub!!

Four Weeks Old

Since I'm starting this blog because it's the thing to do and I threw aside, some of these pictures aren't very current.
I love Marley in this outfit. Mostly because I think that denim skirt on her looks so cute!!

Even though Marley has the "crazy eyes" I thought this was a cute picture of her at about 4 weeks old. Looking at it I realize how much she has changed and she had so much more hair! It's like she has male pattern baldness because her hairline has definitely receded!! How embarrassing :)

Even though this picture wasn't as clear as I would like it, I think she looks so happy and still has the neonate look!

Marley & Me

Here's Miss Marley and Kevin, and Miss Marley and me! Having her is so much fun! I never realized how much I could love and how much fun being a mom really is (until she turns 13 and starts to sass back, then I might think otherwise!)