Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We have some really nice neighbors in our new neighborhood.  We were invited to someone's house to have something to eat before we went trick-or-treating.  The weather for trick-or-treating was WONDERFUL!!  We didn't even need jackets.  I can't remember when Halloween weather was this perfect!!  It was pretty dark by the time we got to the last house.  The house was all decked out in Halloween decor.  The walk up to the house was lit up with orange lights and there were skeletons hanging on the porch.  Kevin said he saw the lady of the house (that sounds kind of funny!) outside adjusting something, but quickly ran back inside when she saw us approaching.  We had Grace and Marley ring the door bell and the the lady opened the door with a scary witch mask on and yelled something scary.  Marley was literally frozen stiff and Grace looked back at us and said "Scared!!!"  Then the lady took her mask off and said she was a "nice lady" and gave them lots of treats.  Grace's reaction was so hilarious.  Grace had a frightened look on her face but she didn't cry or run away! Wish I could have gotten a picture of it! 

 Grace and Marley ready to do some trick-or-treating

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